Call for Posters and Demos

The Eighthth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2024) is calling for poster and demo submissions on topics that fall within the purview of SEC 2024 (see ). The poster/demo sessions will provide an excellent opportunity for students and researchers to present early-stage, not-yet-ready-for-prime-time research and receive valuable feedback on their ongoing research from the community.

Selection will be based on a 2-page extended abstract, evaluated in terms of technical merit, innovation, and the potential to stimulate interesting discussions and exchange of ideas at the conference. Extended abstracts of accepted posters/demos will be posted on the conference website and will be included in the conference proceeding. At least one author of each accepted poster or demo must register for the conference and present the poster remotely or in-person. Accepted posters/demos are eligible for SEC 2024 student travel grant applications.

See for the latest information and updates.


The poster track is meant to introduce new or ongoing work and provide opportunities for authors to interact directly with conference attendees. Posters are especially suited for presenting controversial research directions that may generate discussion, or promising ideas not yet validated through extensive evaluation. Posters should describe novel work not published before. If your paper has been accepted to the conference, we encourage you to submit a demo for it.


Live demos provide an opportunity to give a flavor of real-life applications made possible by your system. Research prototypes as well as commercial products are welcome. Demonstrations of previously published systems are also welcome, and we encourage demo submissions from accepted SEC 2024 papers. Demos should be engaging and stimulate discussions. Demo abstracts should describe both the technology being showcased as well as the user experience of the demo.

Try to plan for the possibility of remote video and perhaps attendee participation in your demonstration. For physical presentations, tables, power, and wireless connectivity will be provided. If a demo requires additional special arrangements, please describe them clearly in your submission using a separate third page after the references (not part of the technical content of the abstract).


  • Poster/Demo submissions must include an extended abstract no longer than two 8.5x11-inch pages including all figures, but not including references. This extended abstract should use the same LaTeX template as full SEC 2024 papers and follow the same formatting rules except differences listed here such as anonymization and number of pages. Specification and LaTeX templates can be found here.
  • Do not anonymize your submissions. Reviewing is single-blind.
  • The title of submissions should begin with either "Poster: " for posters or "Demo: " for demos.
  • Submissions must be in Adobe PDF format, and authors remain responsible for checking that their resulting PDF meets the formatting guidelines.
  • Submission link:
  • Submissions for posters should only include the extended abstract, not the poster itself. Poster dimensions and other presentation instructions will be sent later.

Best Poster and Demo Awards

All posters and demos will be considered for the Best Poster Award and the Best Demo Award, respectively, to be decided by an independent selection committee. Decisions will be based on the quality of the submission, video presentations, as well as live interactions with the award committee members during the conference.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: September 15, 2024

Notification of acceptance: October 15, 2024

Poster/Demo Chairs

Ella Peltonen, University of Oulu

David Bermbach, TU Berlin

Poster/Demo Track Program Committee